Operations Directorate
The Operations Directorate is accountable for ensuring the business is delivered in accordance with the aims and objectives of HMCTS and the MoJ. In its entirety, the Operations Directorate comprises a central HQ team and the following regions/business areas: London, Midlands, North East, North West, South East, South West, Wales, National Business Centres, National Compliance and Enforcement Service and the Jury Central Summonsing Bureau.
The HQ team plays a key role in supporting all aspects of operational delivery within the courts and tribunals and is responsible for:-
- Monitoring and supporting the business in driving up performance.
- Ensuring that contracted services (including Electronic Monitoring, PECS, Interpreters and Transcription Services) meet HMCTS business needs on a day to day and long-term basis.
- Leading our vision for operational best practice, taking every opportunity to challenge the status quo, and use change opportunities as a way to move us towards our end goal.
The regions/business areas are responsible for the delivery of HMCTS day to day services and managing change into the future. They are responsible for:-
- Provision of Courts and Tribunals Legal Services;
- Delivering agreed levels of performance within delegated budgets and ensuring operational targets are met in our delivery areas (Magistrates, Crown, RCJ, Civil, Family, Tribunals and financial imposition collections);
- Determining the right roll-out approach for change initiatives, ensuring that change ‘lands well’ in each region and that staff feel appropriately supported during change;
- Ensuring that we have a high level of engagement within our staff, valuing our people, leading them well, while tackling under-performance; Working in partnership with the judiciary to deliver HMCTS aims and objectives.
Frequently recruited roles in the Operations Directorate are Crown Court Clerks, Admin Officers, Ushers, Trainee Legal advisers and Bailiffs.